
The Friday Morning Mood Swing: A Tale of Two Scenarios

You wake up on a Friday morning, and the first thing that pops into your mind is that you have a family function to attend in your native place the next day. The thought of a week-long break from college or office is like a breath of fresh air. You can't help but feel energized, happy, and cool knowing that you'll have ample time to relax and enjoy with your loved ones. It's like a mini-vacation from the daily grind. But, let's flip the script. Imagine waking up to the harsh reality that you have an upcoming presentation or exam week ahead. The thought of sacrificing your weekend fun to prepare for it is like a punch to the gut. You'll be anxious, irritated, and worried about your performance. It's like being stuck in a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety. These mood swings can be a real emotional rollercoaster, affecting our ability to be present and focus on our work. It's a common phenomenon known as procrastination, where we put off our

You can overcome overthinking!

Overthinking is when a person always thinks of either what has happened in the past or what could happen in the future. Eventually, they become totally ignorant or absent from the present moment. Statistics say that we all have a certain amount of overthinking in us, especially young adults between the ages of 18 to 27. The reason is that we are subjected to a lot of social, academic and career-related pressures, especially in life's transition phases. Why is this happening? Why do we all of a sudden zone out from situations and slip into a depressed or loner state where we feel that the world is against us? The reason is that our mind is confused, often in a dilemma, a mindset filled with negative thoughts, where we feel doubtful about the choices that we make. We compare ourselves with our peer group, we look at all that we do not have and totally forget to count our strengths and blessings.   So what can be done to recover from this overthinking state?  Here are a few things, i

Top 5 Self-help books that can change your life!

 Self-help is one of the most googled words for the past 10 years, people have been trying to change their ways of thinking, their habits, their efforts, and peer group to transform and succeed in their lives in order to go to the next level in both personal and professional lives by searching and reading different self-help books available on the market. Here is a list of the top 5 self-help books which can help you to achieve your interpersonal goals in life:- 1.  The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by MARK MANSON (2016) This book is mainly for those who face a lot of criticism, feel insecure about how other people think about them and feel left out by their own friends, family, or colleagues as this is based on a real-life counterintuitive approach that focuses on what you can practically do with what you have, the narration in this book makes you feel as if you are talking to an experienced friend who has seen all aspects of life, the author throws the reality on our face by tellin

Why GOA plan fails most of the time 😂

  It's night 9pm you make a WhatsApp group call with your besties and suddenly due to boredom and monotonous work or college life, you suddenly plan a holiday trip! where does your mind go? as soon as you close your eyes and think of someplace as a bachelor, as a single who is ready to mingle, as a committed guy who needs a break from his girlfriend your mind takes you to a peaceful beachside place with pubs, music, culturally shocking people who have no limits, no office calls, no assignments, and only colorful entertainment to always make you feel high... GOA!!!!! To be frank what comes as a dream always stays as a dream when it comes to a trip to GOA, right? 😂😆😅 I too am a victim of a canceled GOA trip 😅 My friends and I started to plan every year in the month of September for a memorable new year trip to Goa where we discuss for days and months together how we're gonna travel, where we are gonna stay, things to see there, dress to buy for the trip, Instagram story and

Expectations is our first enemy

  A father expects his son to become an International cricketer, a mother expects her daughter to become a renowned engineer, a coach expects his student to be the top performer, and a teacher expects his/her student to become the topper of the class or maybe the department, relatives expect you to stay in touch with them, parents expect their children to earn a great salary,  friends expect you to give them a good treat and a boy expects his crush girl to reply to his messages and fall in love and this circle of expectations goes on. What is an expectation? An expectation is a strong belief that something will happen in the future which can be both short and long-term, but does this happen most of the time? nope, it doesn't, people always anticipate for many things to happen and get depressed, frustrated, demotivated, and demoralized when things go the opposite way which can be seen from their behavior on both social media and real life, most of them put on sad status or stories o

life lessons from Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa (VTV)

  Vinnai Thaandi Varuvya(2010) directed by Gautham Vasudev Menon is an evergreen romantic film loved by all, the beautiful locations, and soothing music by AR. Rahman, unforgettable characters, and beautiful love story made people watch this movie again and again. Simbus's flamboyance and Trisha's gorgeous  looks made this movie a masterpiece, I saw this movie for the first time when I was 9 years old but after re-watching this film after 13 years after its release as a 22-year-old boy I got some good perspectives from the love journey of Karthik and Jesse. If you are single you might get some good insights 😂 1. Love happens if it is meant to happen   Love is not something you plan, it happens, just like the protagonist Karthik who fell in love with Jessie as soon as he saw her walking down the street you too might fall in love with someone as soon as you see them, you will feel the butterflies in your stomach flying with a sudden magnetic pull towards that person, all your wo

Life lessons from RAJINIKANTH'S BABA MOVIE (2002)

Lessons are not only thought by books and teachers it can also be shown to us in the form of movies or series which has a lasting impact, and such movie was Baba(2002) which got re-released in 2022. The movie was a big flop in Rajinikanth's career as he tried something out of the box type movie which included a combo of spirituality and politics, this movie was written by Rajinikanth and directed by SureshKrishna after he read the book autobiography of a yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda  it made him feel the presence of Sri Guru Mahavatar Babaji the greatest master yogi who was born 2000 years back and still lives in the Himalayas,  Rajinikanth was able to feel BABAJI everywhere within and outside himself and this feeling gave him a great intuition about spirituality, as a result, a determined Rajinikanth came up with BABA and released it which was not well received by his fans, but I would rate it as one of the best movies that teach us life lessons, this is based on the spiritual