"Why Worry About Tomorrow? Understanding Anticipatory Anxiety"

 Do you have the pressure or feelings of nervousness on what's going to happen next ? how your exams are gonna be, how your upcoming presentations , job interviews , dinner date or even your upcoming trip with your friends going to be like? is it gonna be a positive or a negative experience? do these thoughts make you worry and overstimulated to the point where you start living in your own world rather than being in the present. Sounds relatable?

This is known as, Anticipatory anxiety is a type of anxiety that occurs when a person is anticipating for the upcoming future events, it basically makes a person worry upon the upcoming future events since the thought process will be mostly negative which causes stress and the person loses his/her peacefulness in the present and will have a disturbed mindset which makes them to feel restless.

Let me give you a relatable example , Your favorite stars movie is going to be released  next week , you being a fan who loves when you see your star in movie you will be obsessed with the upcoming film and would expect that the movie would be a great success and will be worth watching again and again. This leads to you being hyper and excited along with your friends rite from the ticket booking till you watch the movie and give a review to your family and friends, but what this does is that in that excitement you fall into the trap of anticipatory anxiety where you forget the present where you will have to do your duties and live your life and be worried about the films success and the impact its going to create.

Here are some remedies that can help you overcome Anticipatory anxiety:-

1. Meditate at least for 5 minutes twice or thrice a week

2.Stop consuming too much of information from the internet

3.Try connecting with the present and its surroundings, only if you work on your present your future will be built. 

4. When your thoughts make you worry about the future - pause, breathe and say all is well ✌


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