Are we headed towards a loner society???

Nowadays people are always on their phone watching series on netflix, prime video, hotstar ,etc...they don't really communicate or try to have a conversation and build a relationship with people , most  people are obsessed with their phone that they forget about their own goals and priorities and end up being controlled by AI via its algorithm which manipulates their interests and influences their choices of buying and lifestyle by targeting their attention and dopamine.

This is a serious issue as people get introverted day by day and lose many potential friendships with people who will be there for  moral support and be  helpful for them in the present as well as in future. Most of the current generation people prefer to text over call or meeting in person , before the social media came into our lives we used to go out with friends meet them in person and have fantastic conversation but now that's a rare case.

Most people especially teenagers and young adults prefer to be left alone with their electronic gadgets and prefer watching  series or playing a video game over going out with friends, that is bad for their mental health.

I guess that most of these people feel that it is easier to use electronic gadgets as there is less friction and moreover maintaining relationships  requires more efforts and consistency which is difficult for these tech addicted lazy people.

We can surely come out of this addiction trap by habitually monitoring our screen time on our smart phones and reducing the time spent on electronic gadgets.

Yes we need the support of smart phones, social media and laptops but we must be the one who decides the time spent on them and not the other way around so please spend some quality time with family and friends and maintain good relationships with them as life is made by the people , of the people and to the people.


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